
Catholic Primary Schools, in the Parish of St. Andrew’s exist to enable the Catholic Church to carry out its responsibility to provide for the baptised Catholic child, a formation in faith, hence priority in enrolment is given to Catholic children.

Priority in enrolment will be given to Catholic children who reside in each of the school’s catchment area. The enrolment of non-catholic children who reside in the school catchment area may take place only when their enrolment would not exclude Catholic children from the school.

Enrolments into St. John the Apostle Catholic Primary School are taken in the following priority:

  1. Baptised children of the St. John the Apostle Catholic Primary School’s catchment area.
  2. Siblings of children already enrolled at the school.
  3. Catholic children from other schools within St Andrew’s Parish where a need exists.
  4. Children from Orthodox religions residing in the catchment area.
  5. Catholic children from other parishes determined by the Parish Priest & Principal.
  6. Other non-Catholic Baptised Christians where a faith environment is sought for the child.
  7. Non-Christians where a need is established, following a meeting with the Parish Priest and Principal.

Enrolments: Special Needs

Children with special learning needs will need to have a Program Support Group (PSG) established well in advance of enrolment formalities being completed.

Waiting List

In the event of all schools in the Parish being unable to offer a place to all baptised Catholic children resident in our catchment area, priority will be given to children whose parents are active members of the Parish.

  • Participation in our Sunday worship;
  • Participation through the Parish Census and Stewardship Program.

Enrolment of Non-Catholic Children

In order to maintain the distinctive Catholic ethos of St. John the Apostle School non-catholic children may only be enrolled, after an undertaking by the parents, that the nature, life and identity of the school will be respected, as stated in the enrolment form agreement.

Special Consideration Applications

St Andrew’s Parish makes every effort to meet the educational needs of all parish families by establishing schools throughout the parish. Each school is unique and draws upon its own zone within the parish. To ensure the viability of each school, families are expected to apply to and attend the local Catholic primary school to which they are zoned residentially.
Should a family seek to apply for special consideration to move between zones then an application must be made to the school to which they are zoned accompanied by a written letter outlining:
  • The school to which you are seeking enrolment.
  • The reason/s for your request.
Matters of convenience such as proximity to a secondary school, a train station or other transport are not seen as sufficient reasons to warrant special consideration.
Decisions will be made after the relevant principals have contacted each other to assess the situation, taking into account family needs and the school’s situation