Better Together

The community of St. John the Apostle recognises the importance of providing an educational facility which promotes connectedness and builds positive relationships between staff, students, parents and the local community.

The culture developed at the school will be one of welcome, where each individual is valued and celebrated.

The school design strategically included a community space in the first stage of the building process. This area located at the entrance of the school provides a social hub where parents as well as parish and local community members can connect informally. This area is also available after hours for more formal meetings. It is equipped with a fully function kitchen area, informal seating and conference table.

Stage two developed our ability to connect even further, with the inclusion of a vegetable garden, chicken coop and orchard. These are used as a valuable teaching resource during school hours and provide students with an opportunity to sell produce to the community via a school farmers market.

“When schools operate as partners with parents and local community they are more likely to ensure that every child regardless of wealth, gender or social circumstance is a successful student, person and citizen.”

Dr George Otero, 2011